Friday 23 July 2021

5 Reasons, a Startup company should spend on CONTENT WRITING.


To avail "content writing services" visit TangZcorner

Content writing for a  start-up is a spend that they need to ponder upon. Start-up has to stretch every penny of the investment to last as long as possible. Any business has to deal with a lot of unpredictable and uncontrollable variables. With VUCA touching every aspect of life today, the scenario is all the more challenging. Add it to the questions that the ever-evolving technological advancement is throwing at us. The online platform is the most happening of all but how do we utilize online commerce to the maximum. The answer lies in content strategy and content writing. But to start up,  wondering if spending on content writing is wise, following are the factors that can turn content writing into an investment.

• Content writing for Start-up helps identify the buyer persona

As a startup you have your product or service ready, your licenses or the legal formalities are done with. The next step is reaching out to your prospective customers and tell them that you have what they need. How will you do that?

You need to find the exact segment of people who will get the maximum benefit of your product. However sure and specific we are about the segment market, no one can be sure until the product is launched into the market. it is only after many trials and errors that the start-up companies can carve out their niche. With clearly strategized content, carving the niche becomes easier as there is almost a 90% overlap between the readers of the content and the prospective customers. So content writing helps the start-up to shape their buyer persona as close as possible.

• Content writing for start-ups help targeted advertising

Any new startup especially the bootstrapped ones, are often guided by the financial budgets. Gone are the days when the efficiency of advertising depended on the number of people it reached out to. Today with a clear cut buyer persona and call for action, the efficiency of the advertising is mapped against the actual conversion. Starting with a clear cut goal, the start-ups would rather spend on personalized advertisement through social media than on more expensive TV or radio ads. With the lower risk that the Pay per use concept provides, startups would prefer to pay only for the clicks received on their ads or traffic driven to their site. These online promotions demand only one investment and that is good, solid relevant content. Content writing for the start-ups proves most an investment and branding tool.

• Content writing for Start-up helps in Branding

The new era of technological advancement recognizes the human touch and empathy more than anything. Undoing the past mistakes, today advertising is all about “reaching out” “empathizing” and “adding value” to the customers. Today advertisements work towards not just informing the customers of the product and getting a one-time transaction by hook or crook. The present world demands far more than that. We look at building a long term and loyal customer base. The challenge however lies in the fact that people don’t buy regularly unless and until a relationship is built on gratitude or trust or simply familiarity. This is where great, useful content comes in handy. Free and value-adding content will be remembered by the customer and next time that he wants to make a buy he would prefer a brand that has helped him out with know-how and insights rather than flashy discounts. content writing helps start-ups in this kind of relationship building.

  •  Content writing for start-ups helps Monetizing the network 

No human is an island. The same is true about any visionary who decides to set up a new business. A start-up has to utilize all the resources that it has to the maximum and the one resource that many of us overlook or undermine is our personal brand value. Every man or woman has a social circle that can be tapped almost effortlessly by simply announcing the startup. Most of the start-up ideas originate from a person who empathizes with the problems or gaps that their fellow being suffer from. So naturally, the customer segment who would be able to receive the maximum value would be from the same demographic pool that the owner hails from. Monetizing from the already existing network can be however tricky too as the people around the owners need to be assured of not being taken for a ride. The best way to do so would be to offer well researched, relevant and timely content for free. This kind of offering with no strings attached goes a long way to develop trust.

  • Content writing for start-ups can be repurposed.

Investing in content is doubly useful for a startup as the content once paid for becomes the sole property of the startup and can be repurposed for different platforms. The same material can be tweaked to suit different offers and different calls for action. Actually, if every content that is commissioned by the company is archived, soon the company will have a library to choose from.

On the whole spending on good content is an investment, especially for a start-up company. The content not only doubles up as freebee which the customers can enjoy but also helps to zero down upon the buyer persona and build a long term relationship based on trust and giving. Add to it the fact that the content that the startup has commissioned is an asset in itself which can be used and reused. 

For avail content writing TangZcorner

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